Project Child Find
Project Child Find is a free referral service and public awareness campaign to assist in the identification of unserved/underserved youth with a delay or disability from birth through twenty-one years of age.
Children (Ages birth through 2) Please refer to Early Intervention through the state of New Jersey.
Preschool Children (Ages 3-5) If you are concerned with your child's development you should submit a written request with your signature to the Director of Special Services for a child study team evaluation. A meeting will be coordinated with you to discuss your concerns and determine if an evaluation is warranted. If an evaluation is conducted, you will be invited to participate in another meeting to discuss the findings. This meeting will address whether the findings support your child’s eligibility for special education and related services. Recommendations for intervention options and program planning would be completed with you. Your written consent is required prior to any start of service or program.
School-Aged Students (Ages 5-21) If you are concerned with your child's development, academic functioning or mental health, you should contact your child's teacher, school counselor, or principal who may refer the matter to the Intervention and Referral Services Committee at your child’s school. You also have the right to request a Child Study Team evaluation for consideration of your child’s eligibility for special education and related services. This may be done through a written request to the Director of Special Services.
Child Find Documents